Good Morning Real Women- They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder. We all know what that means. What’s beautiful to you may not be attractive to me. I bring that up this morning to remind myself and you that we become what we focus on the most. That we are what we are attracted to.

Discovery of that little-known fact has enabled me to walk away from many things and forced me to connect with others. I had to ask myself what I wanted to be. Sometimes question what I was attracted to. There are many ways to make small changes until you see what you like.

Do you have a story of change that you want to share? We take for granted that everyone knows how to change their environment or surroundings. It can be challenging for some and difficult for others. For some, with everything you’re facing in the world, you’re so busy trying to survive that making the change seems far off. Instead, you live to get through it.

Join me this Saturday morning at 8am on my Blogtalk and Google Podcast. We’ll share techniques for survival while making the shift. Offer ideas to help you discover what you’re attracted to and talk with my special guests about what it takes to implement small changes. You can also dial in to share your story. Let’s Talk about it.

I am you. You are me, and Together, we are Real Women. We are more alike than we are different.

♡ Susan

It’s heart health month. Join me in replacing one meal with a smoothie today.



Don’t Quit!

THIS TO SHALL PASS!  Have you ever noticed that some people are purposed to make you quir. They contradict everything you do in a subtle way. They secretly envy you and think you don’t know it. It’s amazing to me that seeing others in their high place is just hard for some. Don’t be that person, and don’t let them make you quit. It’s true, some days are harder than others. But, you can make it. I’ve shared this on my talk show many times. I will share it again. Find the motivation in everything you do. Often, we have one reason for everything. Just a blanket reason. However, I have found that sometimes, different situations require different reasons. Whenever I am faced with a challenge I find a reason for that particular challenge. Always remember, it’s not about them, its about you. Don’t be a quitter. You will never respect your self if you never see yourself finish. In fact, others trying to force you to quit, can be a great source of motivation. To know that you are stronger can be revolutionizing.. Love yourself enough to finish. Why? Because you can. #RWRTLive #Sheddingtheweight #LIVE









293412-home-4Remember the song by Dionne Warwick?  I’ll never fall in love again? Specifically, the part where she says, “Don’t tell me what it’s all about Cause I’ve been there and I’m glad I’m out. Out of those chains, those chains that bind you. That is why I’m here to remind you.”

This song came across my mind this morning and I couldn’t help but laugh to myself. This song was my mantra. Today, 2016, all I want to do is fall in love. Life has a way of knocking you down, dragging you around and making you think you can’t get back up again. Words to live by; YOU CAN LIVE AGAIN. Yes, you have to do the work, but you can love, live and laugh again. What do you get when you fall in love? You get fulfilment. You get a smile that’s hard to erase. Yes, you even get to kiss life over and over again. Don’t give up on yourself and don’t quit on life. Remember, singing is great but the lyrics are just as important. I love Dionne Warwick though. PS – And who needs someone reminding them that they shouldn’t fall in love again. Get rid of that person.  For real women everywhere.  #RealWomenLove #RWRTLive #Love

What do you get when you fall in love?

A guy with a pin to burst your bubble

That’s what you get for all your trouble

I’ll never fall in love again

I’ll never fall in love again

What do you get when you kiss a guy?

You get enough germs to catch pneumonia

After you do, he’ll never phone ya

I’ll never fall in love again

Dontcha know that I’ll never fall in love again?

Don’t tell me what it’s all about

Cause I’ve been there and I’m glad I’m out

Out of those chains, those chains that bind you

That is why I’m here to remind you

What do you get when you fall in love?

You only get lies and pain and sorrow

So far at least until tomorrow

I’ll never fall in love again

No, no, I’ll never fall in love again

Ahh, out of those chains, those chains that bind you

That is why I’m here to remind you

What do you get when you fall in love?

You only get lies and pain and sorrow

So far at least until tomorrow

I’ll never fall in love again

Dontcha know that I’ll never fall in love again

I’ll never fall in love again


© BMG Rights Management #RWRTLive #mgcc







Good Morning Real Women – It’s been a while since I’ve written.  Don’t ask me why, I’m not sure myself. Recently I attended a workshop where I was forced to ask myself three (3) questions; What’s great? What’s missing and, Why are you here? In doing so, I began to realize more than ever, things are rarely black and white. What’s great actually stunned me. Do I have great things going on in my life? And, of all the things that I have going on, are they REALLY great? What makes something great? This was going to be a long session if I couldn’t get past the first question. OH LORD; In my grandsons voice.

Then there was the question, what’s missing? Now this was a million dollar question. To answer this, I had to know what was great. So, I began to write;  What’s great? My kids, My work, My love for laughter, My obsession with coffee, My ability to love, My home and more than anything, My ability to begin again. OK good.  Maybe nDance_in_the_Rainot the perfect answers to some but, I’m satisfied. Now the really hard question, what’s missing? Surprisingly not so hard at all.  If you are anything like me, we always know what’s missing. We just don’t know why. What’s missing? Fulfillment, Someone to love me back, Relationship….  Wait a minute, how could I have such a strong passion to love and yet no lover in my life. This was a question for superman. Oh, I don’t know him (lol). Perhaps I’ll ask God during my morning up of coffee. Immediately I heard, I’m here. I never left you. I will never leave you nor forsake you. My next thought; Is it your natural man looking for relationship or your spiritual man. Either way, to have a friend you must show yourself friendly.  Then I thought; I have a lot of work to do. Yup, me. A lot of work to do. It’s not over.

Well, don’t go anywhere. We still have to answer the question why are you here? This is easy for me. I’ve long thought of this question and, answering it is never a challenge. I’m here to revolutionize how man (male or female) thinks about himself.  It’s a passion I can’t shake. It’s the reason I do the Saturday morning blog talk show and more. I am both motivated and passionate about the subject. What about you? Be willing to ask yourself the hard questions. Sure, you may realize that there are areas in your life that need to be strengthened but, you will definitely rediscover your reason. I’m grateful for this challenge. Now I am specifically asking the questions relative to specific areas in my life.  I am, one day at a time, challenging myself to discover WHAT’S GREAT, WHAT’S MISSING AND WHY I AM HERE?  Love Susan – Real Women-Real Talk. #RWRTLive, #mgcc, unspecified



unspecifiedWINNING IN RELATIONSHIPS; Have you ever been in a relationship that you thought was just great and then the person stopped calling, stopped coming by, and stopped seeking you out. You begin to reason within your mind that they have an issue or there was something that you did. Perhaps you don’t get along with them as well as you thought. The truth of the matter is; it requires a force within to pursue. Simply put, making a decision to stay to yourself, or do whatever you love to do, is easy. Extending yourself can be a very difficult task.  It looks flawless for some because they have practiced.

There are many areas in our life that demand more of us than what we think we have to give. Some things require finance; some things require assets that we don’t necessarily possess, other things, require help. For those particular things, the reality is, we can’t do it by ourselves we need others input. What you can do is, establish and create great relationships.  You can do this by answering the phone, responding to a text, letting someone know how much you care, or even sharing your gifts and talents.

There are so many personalities out there in the world. There are those that obviously we mesh well with, and yet, there are others that may rub us the wrong way.  This is no different than the pearl that requires the rubbing of sand (friction) to be perfected. Those relationships where the person agrees with everything you say and, they want to do whatever you are doing, generally do not expose you to greater.  It’s the challenging relationships where the contradiction comes in that one should thrive for.  When seemingly people are the opposite of maybe who you are, or when a person does not necessarily agree with everything you’re saying.  These relationships force you to dig deeper in order to endure.  While they can be a struggle, ultimately they are rewarding.  Yes, they may require more work and one may have to extend themselves beyond themselves to make the relationship work.  But, relationship building is a choice. Your ability to get along and to create great relationships is based on your ability to love unconditionally. Give yourself permission to WIN IN RELATIONSHIPS! I HAVE…..



JOIN ME TOMORROW MORNING AS WE DISCUSS HOW YOU CAN ENHANCE YOUR LIFE BY CREATING VALUABLE FRIENDSHIPS. #347-996-5568 AT 8 AM EST – (Me, God & A Cup of Coffee) will help you find the confidence and strength to shed the excess excess weight (unncessary life issues) and live the life you were created for. There are many things out there that promise to change your life; Through connecting and sharing with other women we discover who we are, discover our strengths and confront life head on. In doing so, with I.M.P.A.C.T. (Irreversible Motivation Persuaded and Causing Triumph) we change our life and we can change the life of our sister . … All women wish they had things they can do better, or do at all. We all experience times when we feel we are alone in our endeavors.

Source: FRIENDSHIPS DON’T JUST HAPPEN – CREATING MEANINGFUL CIRCLES 03/23 by Me God and A Cup of Coffee | Women Podcasts



THERE’S GOT TO BE MORE – This morning I wanted to post “there’s got to be more” but felt you would hear the uncertainty in my penmanship concerning next. Now I know why they call it the five (5) year itch. However, I don’t think it actually happens in the 5th year. I think the itch happens when you’re entering the 5th year.  There are 4 seasons in a year.  Each season represents a turn, a change. Winter is our cold but sterilizing period. Spring is our creative and launching period. Summer is when we are in our fullness and fall is when all that can’t stand what’s to come, falls off.  At least this is my take on the 4 seasons. Once you have experienced all of this where do you go?  The reality is, winter starts again and, once again you endure a cold and sterilizing period. A period, by the way, that is much needed if you are to be your authentic self (rid of free radicals). It’s the greatest time to be in touch with your creator and to be healed. What makes me nervous is that, I also know change is inevitable. You sense greatness and what God has for you but, you fear responsibility, the what if’s and more. Stop listening to the voices and move with the season. THERE is where the fullness of the Godhead bodily (the full of God) is revealed #sheddingtheweight #RWRTLive





Staying objective in the face of adversity can be difficult

When relationship is broken or enduring struggle, your mind can often play tricks on you. You begin to ask yourself if people are really in your corner. This is why, I often fall back on the scripture that says, “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.” Philippians 4:8

It’s like finally, after you have tried everything else, in conclusion, change your mind. I’ll be the first to admit, when overwhelmed with cares; the first struggle is trying to think on lovely things. Let’s be honest, at times we want to grab the situation and arrest it. Whatever that looks like? Apprehend it. However, how to do that remains the problem.

I recently shared with a friend that, a 30 day sabbatical is always appropriate. The instruction to change my thoughts and to step back allows me to get strengthened and prepare for the battle. Sure it is a battle.  It’s, as Joyce Myer would say, a battle of the mind. Whatever we think on, we will eventually do. Whatever we do is a result of whatever we have been thinking on.

Chinese Philosopher, Lao Tzu said, “watch your thoughts, they become words, watch your words, they become actions, watch your actions, they become habits, watch your habits, they become character, watch your character, it becomes your destiny”. #sheddingtheweight #RWRTLive


imagesWithin the last 30 days two of my co-workers, females, have had a heart attack. Unfortunately, one is no longer with us, and the other is in the hospital. To say the least, both have caused me to pause and to rethink things. As women, we are challenged to be great. Either because we are proving that we can perform the task at hand just as good, as any man or, we’ve made some choices that demand a great deal of our time and energy. Learning to balance both can be overwhelming.  Proving that we can do a job as great as any man is a fallacy. There are jobs that men do well and, there are jobs that women do well, either way better than should never be a reason. Men are built different and have the ability to handle somethings that women just can’t and for the most part, don’t want to handle. Somewhere along the line we have gotten off track trying to prove our worth, at least in my mind. I have read articles after articles that shout we don’t need men or that we don’t need any help. There are somethings I just don’t want to do. Nancy Reagan said it best, when she said, “It takes a village”.

I’m sure I’ll get all kinds of flak from the feminist movements, and others. I don’t care. A man can tell you he can nurture a child as good as any women but, I have to tell you it’s just not true. He can supply a need, he can love and, he can definitely gather the resources and there may be no lack but, nurturing is a women’s gift. Just like protecting and covering is a man’s.  To believe this, you would have to believe in the biblical order for things. Therefore, as I see it, it’s not really up for discussion. I simply want to say, ladies, take care of you.  Do what you can, and get help where you need it.  Don’t try to bring home the bacon and fry it up in a pan. Never letting him forget he’s a man well, I don’t think you should.  Just like I don’t think he should let you forget you’re a woman.Heart_Attack_warning_women

Lastly, if it’s too much, no matter what it is, know your limits and still push your boarders and reach for new heights. You are great and, you can do great things, just don’t sacrifice your health for it.  I’ll miss you Reba.  Get well soon ML. #RWRTLive #sheddingtheweight